Polygrid enables any exposed grid ceiling system limitless designs, shapes, drop downs and curves at no extra cost.
By simply adding the worldwide patented Polygrid Enabler and retaining all the standard components of exposed grid ceiling systems (fasteners, hangers, clips/ties, cross tees etc) any design of an exposed grid ceiling is possible - in fact it is limitless.
Shapes can vary from hexagon, triangle, trapezoid, rhombus, parallelogram, diamond or others. Company logos can be added, mood lighting and no longer are we burdened with the boring look of yesteryear - Companies can do a renovation from the ceiling down and create spaces they have only dreamed about, all in the most cost effective way possible.
The ceilings can be curved, level, include drop downs, bringing the ceiling into a 3 dimensional space. Even 2D ceilings look 3D.
As the ceilings can have drop downs they easily cater for bulkheads and all this can be achieved using all the standard current exposed grid ceiling components and importantly the same installation trades.